In early September, we brought home this little fuzzy Tazmanian devil. Suzaku is a red shiba inu, the smallest of the Japanese breeds. He has no fear and immediately attacked the white dog within a few minutes of bringing him home. What has been the most fun to watch (he is 18 weeks as I write this) is how he has grown up. Shiba puppies (like their big cousin, the Akita) don't look like the dogs they will grow up to be. Suzu was very fuzzy, mostly grey, with a bit of reddish, black ticking, and just a patch of white on his chest. He now looks very much like how he will look as a grown-up -- all red except for creme on his under-belly and legs, and sleek harsh fur (though he will always have an undercoat). Here you can see where the fuzzy puppy fur is coming off in chunks and underneath is red fur. (This is a bit of an illusion. Suzaku isn't this orange. This is just sunlight reflecting off of the house.)