Taxco is the silver capital of Mexico. When Cortés came to Mexico, he found the governor here sending the tribute to Montezuma in the form of big honkin' silver bricks. Cortés said, I want a piece of this action, and made Taxco the center of his silver mining operations. The church of St Prisca sits all pink and pretty in the square, and I took about a million photos of it as everywhere we went, people kept pointing out new and exciting vantage points.
Inside, the church was filled will many intricately carved altars.
Everybody needs a giant Jesus statue standing over your city.
After coming out of the church, C turns to me and says, "Did you just take a picture of that man's pants?!" Uh, yeah.
I love this shot. I had been trying to get a picture of Hat Man, but he always wanted to sell me a hat if I came anywhere near making eye-contact with him. Here, C distracted him by trying on a mask while J and Baby A look on laughing.
Nevara tried on a different mask.
So, this guy was hand-shaving the ice for snow-cones. Raul was all set to get one when C announced that anyone who ate a snowcone would not be allowed to ride in his car for fear of digestive explosions. Exposure to contaminated water occurs most frequently here when someone forgets that ice is like water only frozen.