Papaya is nasty. Okay, not really nasty. The seeds looks like some sort of insect egg, slimy and with the faint look of something growing inside. The fruit tastes kind of like cantaloupe and
guayaba's love child. Guayaba, I have found, is guava. It is tasty, much like fruit punch, but it has about a million seeds, rendering it inedible.

Zorra had her tradition Key Lime Pie for her birthday. What we Americans call the "key lime" is the Mexican lime which is sometimes the only lime you can find here. You also can't find lime juice in a bottle, so we had to squeeze out all of these tiny little limes by hand, with no juicer because our stuff hadn't arrived yet. But it was scrummy just the same.

Less than 45 minutes from our house is the Mexican city of Toluca, hometown of Mexican Chorizo. Mexican chorizo is nothing like the kind you find in Spain. In Europe, the chorizo is a dried sausage, much like a very fatty pepperoni or salami. Around these parts it is a raw linked sausage that needs to be cooked, either in the casing or crumbled up. It comes in two types: red and green. Green gets its color from parsley, cilantro, spinach, and at Walmart, vast amounts of food coloring. It tasted nice and herby, and made our tacos (upon which we sprinkled it) look radioactive.

Finally, I fry up plaintains at least once a week, but, horror of all horrors, my daughters will not eat them. In fact, the very smell of plaintains frying in butter makes them gag. Zorra would rather be sent crying to her room than take even one bite. It's not my poor cooking to blame. Imagine banana custard surrounded by a slightly crispy caramel coating. And buttery. Nevara says that they are too sweet. This child has never met "too sweet" before. I think something is wrong with my kids. But more for me and Raul.