The zoo is laid out a lot like IKEA in that it has an entrance where you follow little arrows around the park and then you exit in a separate place. Of course, your bag is at the entrance, so you have to walk all the way around to get back to the beginning. The pedestrian road is lined with vendors hawking their wares. One fellow called out, "You will die if you do not buy some water!" We kept noticing many parents had their children tethered to them by the belt, as if on a leash. Before I had children of my own, this seemed like a cruel thing, but having lost my kids in many a crowd despite all due diligence, I have since decided this is a wise and loving contraption. A few of the vendors were actually selling these kiddy-leashes for all of 10 pesos -- about 90 cents. A good deal all around.
I have thought about leashing L many times