When Catholic missionaries flooded the new world in the wake of the
conquistadores, they found many traditions that the natives were not willing to give up. One of these was Day of the Dead, a month long celebration celebrating death. Unable to kill the ritual, the Catholics simply shortened the holiday to 2 days and moved it to All Saints and All Souls Days, November 1st & 2nd (those high Catholic days themselves having been assigned to November to try to assimilate the pagan holiday of Samhain). Many of the old Aztec rituals are still in place today, with parades and altars dedicated to the deceased and decorated with their favourite foods and sugar skulls (back in the day, the skulls would have been real). In Toluca, for a few weeks before Día de los Muertos, they hold their annual fair where you can buy all of your altar needs. This seriously rocked.

Chocolate skulls are a rather new tradition.
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