Wednesday I went with friends to the Sonora Market -- a huge Mexican market that sells an abundance of needful things like Barbi dresses, piñata fillers, Voodoo gear (seriously), and puppies. And kittens. And fish and chickens and chicks and ducks and turtles and quinea fowl. All packed into cages, wallowing in filth, smelling like the worst kind of sewage. The puppies all howl and beg to be loved, their little tails wagging when you make eye-contact. They are cheap (some less than $2US a piece), but they come with sadness and heartbreak. Our friend S. bought two malti-poo puppies here the week before Christmas for a Christmas morning surprise for her daughters. The girls squealed with delight, but the puppies died in a few weeks. S went back and bought two more and those also did not make it. The temptation to rescue as many as possible was incredible, only tempered by the knowledge that we would end up tearfully burying them while these monstrous people keep breeding more.

Above, there are about 15 puppies and 2 kittens piled on top of each other to keep warm. And though I dislike Chihuahuas, these little boys were very tempting.

Finally, we escaped, and took a city bus (which I will only do with a native Capitalino -- which I did) to Tepito. Tepito is a Metro stop and shopping street, and the sidewalk is covered with outdoor shops. Unlike an ourdoor market, these shops are set up each morning with a roof/tarp and racks of goods. And everything is bootleg. Their proud motto is "Stolen but not used." We popped into a large formalwear store with Sunday suits and authentic charro/rodeo clothes and best of all,
quinceañera dresses (oh to be 15 again...). They had a strict "No Photos" policy, so I have nothing to show for it, but it was enchanting.
Oh so sad! One of the guys in Kris' office says that market is for those who practice the old religions so the animals are used for those purposes...that makes things even sadder! Yes, I agree, monstrous breeders indeed!