Another hot, humid day in the Yucatan. This time, we drove South to explore the Puuc Route, an area full of ruins and caves and haciendas. With the weather being so oppressive, we picked our battles carefully. Our first stop: Loltún Caves. The Maya hid in these caves during the Caste War. Long before that, this extensive cave complex was used for religious purposes and has been occupied for at least 10,000 years. They found mammoth bones in one part, and before the mammoths, the whole complex had been carved out by water -- when the whole thing was part of the sea floor. So, these caves have seen some stuff. Mut-Mut Bird
The Flycatcher Inn Our hostess said that in her 25 years living in the Yucatan, she had seen only about 3 scorpions. We informed her that we killed #4 for her.
(I don't normally let people photograph my butt, but I don't think the distance is too unflattering.) Zorra stayed below and chased a particularly large iguana. When we had finished our climb, I informed her that she had made a wise decision to stay below. Had she climbed we would have had to call a helicopter to get her down.
Fascinating photos. Uxmal and Kabah are glorious places. If you would like to follow up some of your experiences, you might be interested in
Fascinating photos. Uxmal and Kabah are glorious places. If you would like to follow up some of your experiences, you might be interested in