On Wednesday, I went with my neighbor to a community market that I like to call the Mercado Roso because it was covered with these hot pink tents, giving everything a tawdry glow.

Saturday, I drove my friend J, Baby A, and my girls to San Angel, formally a quaint colonial village that has since been devoured by Mexico City. It was still quaint with its cobblestone streets, walled gardens, and abundant bougainvilla. We arrived before the crowds, so had our choice of good, free parking, and came upon a wedding. Nevara charmed the bride with many smiles.

San Angel's big draw is the Bazar Sabado, the Saturday Bazaar. There are actually a number of shopping opportunities here. There is the basic outdoor craft market.

There is an expensive artists' market.

On the fringes there are the natives selling their own crafts, often while making them for you to watch.

There are phenomenal and expensive shops along the streets (this one had this enourmous piñata as well as some of our friends that we just happened to bump into). Then inside a big red building is the actual Saturday Bazaar with little shops of assorted crafts and boutique items.

This fellow was so prolific at playing a random cacophony that I decided if money ever becomes tight,
I will become an organ grinder.

Everywhere you go, there are street dogs. Here at the Bazar Sabado, there was one on the roof.

This handsome devil hovered over us during lunch. He's at least 6 feet tall.
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