So the girls came inside the other day terribly excited that Nevara had convinced a bee to climb upon her finger and most importantly not sting her. I took her picture at her request, but being the world's greatest mother, I told her what would be even cooler would be if she could get the bee to sit upon her nose. I did warn her that I would feel really miserable if the bee stung her (as would she), but she nudged it right onto her honker.

The pookie lip is all for show. The bee did not sting her on the nose. Nevara went on to name the critter Buzzer, made it a fairy house in the daisies, and then poked it one too many times and it stung her on the finger. She wailed like a banshee, upset that the poor thing was going to die while I tweezed the stinger out.
um, you used her real name.
ReplyDeleteOMG, you are so right! And I used it over and over. What a dolt I am sometimes. Thanks for that. I have since fixed it.